Our Grout Cleaning Experts Successfully Restored This Shower in North Palm Beach
January 16, 2024
We understand the disappointment of not seeing the desired result after cleaning your shower for hours. A few dark spots make your shower look sloppy and neglected, so imagine the stress of finding these stains all over your grout. Her bathroom hygiene was always a top priority for this homeowner in North Palm Beach. She wasn't about to sit around and do nothing when mold started causing tangible damage to the grout in her master shower.
By the time she contacted our North Palm Beach grout cleaning crew, the homeowner, had been struggling for weeks, hoping to improve the shower's appearance before having a professional look. After finding our website and looking at our picture gallery, she felt like it was safe to trust our specialists with her problem.
Our techs took this seriously, and they were at her doorstep just a few days later on the day she'd been picked for an in-home evaluation. They looked at the walls from top to bottom, including the shower niche and the tiles close to the inner corner. Their inspection also included the damaged grout on the floors, and our specialists worked efficiently to rule out the risk of structural damage before deciding on the best course of action. After the evaluation, they explained that mold and efflorescence had made their way to the unsealed surface. Many of the products the client had used previously had harsh ingredients that only left the grout more vulnerable to damage. These chemicals opened the grout pores and kept the dirt on the surface until it couldn't be scrubbed off. There were also signs of discoloration on the tiles, but our experts confirmed that Sir Grout's cleaning equipment could restore the shower's former beauty. The homeowner thanked them for providing such a thorough assessment and didn't think twice before setting up a date for the restoration.
Following her request, our specialists returned to her house before the end of the week. They used a surface-safe cleaner in the shower area to remove the embedded dirt. Our techs spread the product across all the tiles and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, they carefully scraped all traces of mold and efflorescence and didn't stop until they got rid of all the stickiness. To complete that process, our techs also steam cleaned the shower, paying particular attention to harder-to-reach areas near the ceiling and on the corners.
Next, they needed to repair the seams and seal the grout. Our experts applied Sir Grout's ColorSeal on all the grout lines. Our signature sealant protects against mold, soap residue, and other external elements while upgrading the grout's appearance. Since it's available in multiple colors, our sealant ensures an attractive result, and this case was no exception. The newly-sealed grout stood out beautifully without removing the colors on the walls.
Our crew replaced the old caulk with water-resistant epoxy grout to restore the floor and the horizontal seams, making the surface much sturdier to withstand dampness and gradual decay. This process made the shower look amazing, and all shower surfaces were better protected in the long run. The homeowner was thrilled by the result, and she promised to spread the word about our services after thanking our specialists for doing such a marvelous job.
Before leaving the client's home, our specialists shared additional tips for improving hard surface maintenance. They had gone over the risks of traditional cleaners during their first visit, and the client wished to replace her products with a safer alternative. As our techs explained, pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner is much more thorough in their results. Our cleaner makes removing stains, including mold and efflorescence, between your shower tiles easier. It combines several high-quality ingredients, none resulting in toxic fumes when used on tile and grout surfaces. Homeowners can get better cleaning results and reduce many risks attached to chemical-based formulas.
An effective cleaning program includes using neutral cleaners at least once a week, especially on shower surfaces where moisture buildup is always possible. Our crew recommends combining our product's cleaning power with non-abrasive tools like a towel, a terry cloth, or a squeegee. These tools come in handy when dealing with stickiness and soap residue, removing the stains on harder-to-reach surfaces without leaving scratch marks on the tiles. Our specialists ended the appointment with a reminder to open the windows and doors at different times of the day to keep the bathroom well-ventilated.
If you want to see a real change on your shower surfaces, Sir Grout of Jupiter is here to exceed all your expectations. Our services are powered by years of experience and the best resources in the surface restoration industry. Don't be afraid to come to us with your questions or specific requests; our experts will always have an answer. So, feel free to call (772) 218-2771 or schedule a free quote to request an in-home evaluation with our crew. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to follow all our latest promotions and updates.
Categories: Tile, Grout, Cleaning, Sealing, Grout Repair, ColorSeal, Residential, Showers, Bathrooms